Friday, March 27, 2009

Time don't fly

There are so many times in my life when I find that time not only flies, but propagate like light in vacuum. *Snap* and its gone; *blink* and its gone; *twitch* and its gone. Yet, every time when I realised this, there are only two situations: a) I am having fun and b) I am rushing through my last-minute work, which is not fun at all. However in truth, time is really just sauntering past us in its invisible dimension.

No one hates having fun. Oh wait there are those who just feels guilty for enjoying themselves in their free time and then there are those who love to inflict pain upon themselves. Let me correct that statement, no one rational hates having fun, and while doing so, we tend to ignore the watch or clock or any other time devices.

Recall the time when you watch an American sitcom on the TV, say Ugly Betty, how fast did one hour pass? (Oh my gosh! It's ten thirty already?!?) Compare that to one hour in *cough*chem*cough* ist*cough*ry*cough* class. (What?!? That was just half and hour?!? There must be something wrong with the watch!) The counter in your digital watches functions just fine, its just the number of times you take a glance at your watch. What is there better to do when you are utterly uninterested in one compulsory activity? Doodle, let your mind wander, look as if interested, and in between? Look at the time of course, every few damned minutes. Look at how pathetically slow the seconds are ticking by, wishing that you have the superpower to fast forward time to end the slow 'torture'. Am I right?

Recall the time when you are just being given the assignments. (Meh, I still have 3 more days before the deadline, let's watch Ugly Betty first, homework later.) Compare this to the last-minute rushing. (Dang! I wish I have just one more hour!) Time sure seemed to just zoom past you when there is the feeling of urgency, because you are so steeped in trying to get the assignments done, you didn't look at the watch at all. Every second is precious now. You curse yourself for dropping the eraser and have to waste 3 seconds to pick it up. You swear under your breath when that damned chemical equation just cannot be balanced. You commented mentally: I don't care if the Earth's magnetic field line is 5.5 x 10^-5 T or whatever! Stupid physics question anyway... Now you wish you could slow-mo time, don't you?

However, take a look at those situations - all the time you want to 'fast-forward' and 'slow-mo' balance each other out. Time wasted equals to the time cramped. So the result? Time passes just as normal with each of our breath. It is us, who failed to manage it properly. Happy times seemed to go by so fast that you craved for more. Its just the opposite for unhappy times. Understand time, explore how it works, think how we work. Blend them together so that they complement each other. The resultant mixture is unique for each individual. In the end, it boils down to three words: Time's all relative.


  1. ginger!!
    u r right. I've got soo many things to do, but I don't know where to start.
    I want superpower so that I can read books, watch movies and do physics + chemistry works at the same time..sigh..

  2. time management problem.. is seriously an issue for me.
