Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Wisdom of Crabs

On a table full of seafood, crabs are always the last to be consumed. Be it steamed or deep-fried, nobody seemed to touch the crabs until the very end. The reason is that crabs is one of the most troublesome food to be eaten. We have to remove the shell, and if we are not skillful enough, the meat will get stuck in it. Yet after all these tedious and annoying work, the reward is amazing.

Prior to the consuming part, the catching itself is a drudgery. Crabs live in the dark abyss of the ocean floor. Moreover, the tastier ones dwell in cold sea. However, human by all means will venture into the open ocean in order to catch some of the best crabs, well, to satisfy their taste buds and fill up their coffers. You would understand if you watch the documentary "Deadliest Catch". The weather is so cold that even sea water freeze on the ship and the water is so choppy that even the crew member with the best physique will fall and sprain an ankle.

Even after the catch, to get to the meat is a tricky business. Living crabs do not hesitate to use their pincers, and getting them to loosen their grip is no easy task. The cooked ones are not much friendlier. Their exoskeleton is so hard that a hammer is needed to crack the shell. If not, the shell will do some pretty serious damage to the teeth. Then, we reach the softest part of the creature, with sweat beads forming all over the forehead. For those who are lucky enough not to be allergic to crabs, crab meat is one of the most delicious meat ever.

Ergo, to get to the final reward, it is a battle of wit and strength between human and crabs. The crabs know we want their meat, and they evolved in such a way to stymie our cravings. We, on the other hand, will do everything we could to catch them, cook them, smash their hard exterior just so for the pleasure of eating the meat.

More often than not, our dreams and goals are like the crabs. They are waiting and in prospect, but so vague and far away. Still, we have the advantage of knowing what we want and we work towards that direction. The road is full of impediments and obstacles to be overcome by our intelligence and will. Even when we get it, we have to continue to work hard make it better. Only those who are strong enough to endure the drudgery of the arduous journey will get to taste their crab. It is sad to see people give up and succumb to the pain of hard work. If they can endeavour the crab meat, why can't they do the same for their dreams? Isn't it almost the same?


  1. well, that is because some people don't enjoy crab. not allergic, but just don't enjoy it. they would rather go for chicken, fish, goat, rabbit, whatever.. it's much easier. and it taste almost the same (maybe). and the nutrients or proteins or dunno what, is the same (maybe) because all of it are animal meat anyway.

    why should they go thru the tedious task to savour sth in which they can gain the same amount of utility by eating other sort of meat?
    why should we go thru the 'arduous journey' jz to pursue our dreams when we can also earn the same amount of money if we work as X, and esp when X is of same rank with the occupation of our dream?

    jz a thought =)

  2. Its the same rank, of course, but still not necessarily the best. Because people only dream of what they wanted the most, and what they think is the best for them. Working as X is fulfilling, but since it's not our dream job, and we know it, wouldn't the utility level always be lower?

    another thought:)

  3. but surely, after realizing that one can possess the same amount of money even without realising their dream, one would feel much more contented and satisfied? after all, they've taken the shorter, easier route, yet achieving the same result. since the journey to fulfill our real dreams will be too taxing, like the task of cracking a crab's shell to obtain it's meat?

    more thoughts ^^
    cyclical thoughts...

  4. dats the spirit!! next time i get loads of homeworks i'll just scream "OH,CRABBBBB!!!" =p

  5. To Sarah:
    Yet, won't the meat taste better after it is obtained the hard way, compared to the easy way?

    To Nad:
    Yep, go Crab! too bad i'm allergic to them :(

  6. hehe. why would it? since the rewards are the same.

  7. its psychological, not physical:)
