Sunday, September 27, 2009


1. What have you been doing recently?
Nothing, and I am proud of it.

2. Do you ever turn your handphone off?
When the battery is dead.

3. What happened at 10am today?
I was dating my laptop.

4. When did you last cry?
Sometime last semester when I watched "1 Litre of tears", or was it last year???

5. Believe in Fate/Destiny?
Fate, not destiny.

6. What do you want in life now?

7. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or put up your hood?
Umbrella obviously. I do not own a hood.

8. What are the nicest things in your inbox?

9. Do you tend to make relationships complicated?
I dunno, do I?

10. Are you wearing anything borrowed from anyone?
The atmosphere :)

11. What was the last movie you caught?
The Ugly Truth

12. What are you proud of?

13. What does the oldest text message in your inbox say and who is it from?
It said something that definitely is not going to affect you and your life, so it does not matter who sent it=) kthxbye

14. What was the last song you sang out loud?
Let me think...Halo???

15. Do you have any nicknames?
Tonnes. And oh, you know at least one of them, congrats:)

16. What does the newest text messgae say and who is it from?
Refer #13.

17. What time did you sleep last night?
12.28 a.m. this morning O.o Ginger sleeps that late?!? This is a rare holiday from AUSMAT, sheesh!

18. Are you currently happy?
Yup yup yup ^.^

19. Who gives you the best advice?
Everyone, because I tend to compile and make my own conclusion.

20. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
Do you eat coffee powder straight from the bottle?

21. Who did you talked to on the phone last night?
Mr Nobody

22. Is something bugging you right now?

23. Who is the last person to make you laugh?
Huh, did I laugh today??

24. Do you like yourself?
What kind of question is this?

25. You want $5 or $10?
$5, no $10, no $5, no no $10, wait, why did I put myself through a hypothetical struggle?

26. Do you think you are stupid sometimes?

27. Who is your best best best friend?
My best best best friend.

28. What will you do if you like that boy?
I am straight, thank you.

29. Who are your favourite stars?
I fail at entertainment gossips. So this question is invalid.

30. You hate your mother sometimes in some ways?
I love my mum, though we might have get on each other's nerves at times, but that's just because we share similar personalities.

31. Do you had even stead before??
What's stead? I left my Oxford in the student house and I am too lazy to look it up from merriam-webster.

32. What type of boy do you like?
The male ones.

33. Now are you single/attached?
Attached, do you see my limbs falling off the sockets?

10 people to tag. 10 random names.
Desperately few people reads my not-so-frequently-updated-and-interesting blog, so it's quite difficult to come up with 10 names, but I'll try.

1. Sarah
2. Woei Song
3. Calvin
4. Nicholas
5. Mr Derick
6. Athira
7. Fern
8. Nad
9. Hani
10. Poh Hui

1. Would you date number 5?
We'll talk this over coffee at Starbucks, what do you say Mr D?

2. Number 2 just got in a car crash. How do you react?
Aiyah, Woei Song tu kan MB, tak payah risau lah!

3. You see number 9 with your boy/girlfriend. What do you do?
Hani? They're most probably in One-U or something.

4. You come home and and your room has been ransacked by number 4.
I wouldn't be surprised.

5. Number 1 is acting weird.
And? (It's hard to know what is going on in Sarah's mind.)

6. Numbers 3 & 8 decide to give 10 a haircut.
R.I.P. Calvin and Nad. Poh Hui is going to kill you before you can reach the scissors.

7. Number 7 just got tickets for him/her and you to go to a concert.
Just go if it's a String Quartet.

8. Number 10 takes you to a bar.
I cannot imagine Poh Hui in a bar...

9. Number 4 has to move to the other side of the world.
No! Nic, come back!!! *reaches out my hand*

10. You and number 8 are being chased by the cops for an unknown reason.
Maybe the cops are fans of Anita Sarawak.

11. Number 7 and you are sitting on the couch watching a movie when he/her wrap his/her arm around you.
I don't think Fern will do that. Ever.

12. Number 5 asks you out to dinner.
And say Hi to Starbucks again =)

13. Number 9 and you are sitting on a bus.
And our weight is balanced by the normal force acted on us by the seats.

14. Number 6 calls you in the middle of the night because he/she can't sleep.
Athira! Drink warm milk.

15. You're walking with someone and number 6 runs up and tackles you to the ground from behind.
Maybe drinking warm milk didn't help.

16. Number 1 is crying one day and you ask him/her why and it seems their boy/girlfriend has dumped them.
Ooh, that would be tough...I never consulted anyone on this issue before!

17. Number 2 offers to bake you a meal. As you sit in the other room, the kitchen is suddenly aflame.
Woei Song with his muscular arm and professional Scouts training heaves the fire extinguisher up and skillfully followed the instructions he knew by heart. He took aim with almost prefect accuracy at the flaming gourmet with the nozzle and applies the exact force on the handles with his strong palm. White fumes swirl around the fire, extinguishing it. As Ginger watched the entire procedure in awe, Woei Song calmly said: "Aiya, let's just eat at ATC la..."

18. Number 4 comes to your door one day holding a koala.
What can I say? Both of them are so cute!

19. Number 4 just got you an X-Box.
Now that's random.

20. Number 9 challenges you to a children's card game!

21. Number 1 thinks he/she's overweight.
Sarah? Nononononononononono

22. Number 7 looks lonely.
Talk to her la, if I could ever strike up an interesting conversation with anyone.

23. Number 2 asks you rudely to go leave her/him alone.
I must have done something really really bad to tick Woei Song off like that.

24. Numbers 5 and 3 decide to throw a surprise party for you.
Derick and Calvin. I wonder how it will turn out. But the surprise is definitely gone.

25. Number 6 decide to dye his/her hair black. What do you say to that?

26. Number 7 tells you he/she is going to go out for a while, and then later you hear about a shooting where he/she went.
Oh, I never knew that Fern is a supermodel. I would want to see the photos.

27. You catch number 9 by him/herself, crying.
Ooh, my mind is always blank whenever I see a girl cry.

28. Numbers 1, 3, 5 and 6 all tackle you at once.


    Ginger, you're funny=) (duh?)
    faster update on Diki!

  2. erbs....funny post.
    Hmm...I think I should have applied a course for fireman instead of architect. XD

  3. @Cal
    I'm typing! Just that it's so damned difficult!

    I like your tag too Sarah!

    Yes, you should minor for fire fighting and major architecture XD
